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Speech Therapy on the Go! LLC.
Providing speech-language services at local pre-schools and private schools in the Linden, Fenton and Grand Blanc areas.

Services: Language Therapy
Ecompasses but is not limited to:
Receptive Language/Auditory Processing
Expressive Language
Reading Comprehension
Social/Pragmatic Language
What are some signs or symptoms of language disorders?
Some children have difficulties with understanding language, also called receptive language.
They may have difficulty:
Understanding language concepts
Following directions
Answering questions
Identifying objects and pictures
Taking turns when talking with others
Some children have difficulty with expressive language skills.
​They may have difficulty:
Asking questions
Retelling a story or talking about daily events
Naming objects and actions
Forming grammatically correct sentences
Using prepositions and pronouns correctly
Knowing how to start and maintain a conversation
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